My quarter and school playground

Fri 12 April 2019 By Bön

I saw a dream in which I was living in a strange quarter which had two outlets on either side of the quarter. I was living on the top floor which was also the top floor. In the dream I saw Ununi Uncle and Leelama Aunty had come to our quarter. Then I remember that my parents went somewhere to put a bulb. Then I saw that I was in a place which had huge playground probably a school playground. I felt as if the neighboring quarters got converted to that playground. Many programs were being held there. Few of the guests in our home came there. I was having something fluid which had small sweet cubes like jaggery or caramel immersed in it. Then I remember Monachan uncle along with his family came to our house. I was sitting beside Mobin in sofa. Now school playground and house guest started getting mixed up. There was many programs that was being held in that huge playground. The guests were about to leave but I had not yet finished the drink and was somehow trying to finish the drink before the guests leave. Then someone announced that on more than 80% of the playground competitions will be held and winner takes all. I was with someone who was conducting several programs and involved in competition. That person was trying to go somewhere from school. Then one white Traveler vehicle tried to kill us while taking a reverse. We moved away and it hit some other car. Then I started shouting to take picture of its number plate and the white traveller ran away. Then the person who was with me found out the train timing and booked an auto rickshaw. I took several photos of the auto rickshaw along with its driver and number plate.